New York Harvest

 19th Century Empire New York Harvest Table

 <SPAN class=yshortcuts id=lw_1217819682_3>New York Empire Walnut Harvest</SPAN> Table<BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>What started out to be a trip to make an offer on the house turned out to be another rare find.  We found an <SPAN class=yshortcuts id=lw_1217819682_4>old house for sale</SPAN> in an online newspaper.  It was for sale by owner.  When we arrived to meet the seller and look inside the house, the seller explained to us that  the house belonged to her sister who died several months ago.  Her sister did not throw away anything.  So since it was too much work for her, she explained that if we were to purchase the house, we could have most of the contents in house as well.  I looked around  up stairs and down stairs.  Nothing so far.  Then I walked down to the basement.  There it was at the very back of basement covered in debris and filth with one leaf missing, a New York Empire Walnut Harvest Table.   So I went back up stairs and told the seller that we would contact her later.  We were very interested in buying the house as long as we could get it for a bargain.  I contacted the seller the next day with our offer on the house.  She declined.  A week passed by and I contacted her again, this time to inquire about purchasing items inside the house.  I went with the the intentions of purchasing a mattress.  We looked around and saw a nice piece of Antique furniture but it was not Period.  We made an offer, but the seller said that she would take no less than $150 for the piece.  We bought the mattress and left the piece.  Three months later, it was time, and  I called the seller again about purchasing the table and a lamp from the basement.  She said immediately that there was no table and lamp in the basement but I could still come to see if I could find it.  As soon as I arrived we greeted the seller and headed toward the basement.  There it was again in the same place, untouched.  I told my wife to tell the seller to come to the basement and that I found the table.  She mentioned that she did not want to come down there because her allergies were bad.  She finally came down the stairs and was surprised to see the table.  I offered $20 for the table.  She she mentioned that she needed me to take it out from the garbage that it was sitting in before she could give an answer  since she needed to see the whole thing.  I told her $20 take it leave it.  She accepted the offer.  I proceeded to remove the garbage on top and move the table.  The table itself was covered in <SPAN class=yshortcuts id=lw_1217819682_5>mold spores</SPAN>.  What a mess, and all four legs were eaten away by mold, reducing the 5 table legs by 2 inches.  <BR> <BR>After the hard work of moving the table out of the cluttered house,  I finally got the table home.   The first thing I did was strip it.  The table itself was covered  with green paint.  The paint was removed completely leaving a beautiful walnut finish.  It is still work in progress, but most of the hard work is done.  When the table is completely restored, its value would have increased to $1500-$2000.  Not bad for $20.          <BR><BR>