Member Mind Change Makeover


In the same way that we issue challenges, we also take challenges upon ourselves. What we do has nothing to do with intellectual skill. It is simply the result of hard work and dedication. Anyone can apply the same principles that we espouse to their own lives, and achieve equal or better results. To this end we have decided to take on the ultimate challenge. We are going to take a regular hardworking single African-American woman and apply the principles of investment to her life. In between now and the end of the year if our advice is scrupulously followed, There will be a significant and dramatic change. We are also working with what is at this time an anonymous client. Who we hope will be willing to share her information also. Every two weeks we will provide updates on each client until they are debt free and have a positive net worth... Neither one owns a home, and they are both having difficulty getting ahead. They have both agreed to think outside<BR>the box since conventional wisdom is not working for them.<BR><BR>Name: Aminah<BR>Age: 32<BR>Status: Single <BR>Occupation: <SPAN class=yshortcuts id=lw_1223856191_0>Entrepreneur</SPAN> (Owner of several businesses)<BR>Monthly Income: $2,350<BR>Expenses: $4,265<BR>Net worth: -$25,000<BR>About Aminah.<BR>She is a Realtor in <SPAN class=yshortcuts id=lw_1223856191_1>California</SPAN>. This savvy entrepreneur also owns several businesses including a preschool/child care, photography and catering business.  She has a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice, and she’s working on a 2nd degree in Paralegal Studies. She has a background of over 10 years in finance and investments, including employee stock option and purchase plans.<BR><BR>Goals: Her future plans include taking the LSAT in December 08 or February 09, and pursuing law school in the fall of 2009.  By the end of December 2008 she would like for it to be breakeven Goals for Silver:<BR>She would like to add 10 pieces of <SPAN class=yshortcuts id=lw_1223856191_2 style="CURSOR: hand; BORDER-BOTTOM: #0066cc 1px dashed">Grande Baroque</SPAN> flatware and 10 pieces of Tiffany English King flatware by the end of December. She would also like to acquire a Sterling Vanity Set.<BR>This is one of the average everyday people that we spoke about. In today’s economy most people are having difficulty making ends meet. So as a challenge to ourselves, we have decided to get involved with one of our reader’s lives. In order to help her not only reach her financial goals, but surpass them on her road to wealth, while eliminating her debt. We will update this entry every two weeks unless there is a major break though.